路由# 321076470

的方法 为一个目标存钱

2024年6月8日 12分钟

Whether you’re building your emergency fund, saving for a vacation or interested in buying a house, there’s more than one way to save – no matter your income.

Even saving a small amount every week or month can make a huge difference! Here, we’ve rounded up 15 ways to 省钱. Not every idea will work for you, 但是,即使把三到四个策略叠加起来,也能帮助你筹集到所需的资金.

审查 未偿债务

One of the easiest ways to 省钱 is to reduce your monthly expenses. 如果你有债务,以较低的利率再融资通常会导致月供减少. And if you’re struggling to reach your savings goal, 你可以将旧支付和新支付之间的差额导向该目标.

也, if you’re paying extra on your loans, 最好停止这样做,这样你就可以为你的目标分配更多的钱. 如果你的贷款利率相对较低或与当前特定类型贷款的利率相似,这一点尤其正确. 如果是这样的话, 然后考虑集中精力建立你的储蓄,而不是集中更多的钱来偿还你的债务.

然而, if you have high interest debt, 比如信用卡, you should focus on paying that off first before saving for your goal. 这些利息费用会耗尽你的预算,所以最好尽快还清这笔债务.

So if you are saving and receiving 5% interest but paying debt at 10%, it makes more sense to pay down debt.

建议 省钱

1. 每月存钱. If you’re trying to save for a major goal, you should save for it regularly. Make contributions for your goal part of your monthly budget. 检查你的开支,决定你能为你的目标留出多少钱. You may want or need to cut in other areas to free up money for your new goal.

2. 开一个综合账户. These accounts are offered by many institutions – including Patelco. 有了一个四舍五入的账户,你的购买会自动四舍五入到最接近的美元. The difference is put into a savings account. 例如, if you use your debit card to buy $25.60 worth of gas, the purchase is rounded up to $26 and $0.40 goes into your savings account. 所有 Patelco检查 accounts let you do this – and the 加检查 account will even give you a bonus 10% match to help you save more money. This is an easy way to save without thinking about it.

3. Open a high-yield savings account. High-yield savings accounts, like our 货币市场帐户, provide a higher interest rate than regular savings accounts. This will speed up your savings, so it takes less time to save for your goal. 你储蓄账户里的钱越多,复利就会增长得越多.

4. 多在家吃饭. 说到省钱, one of the best things you can do is to eat at home as much as possible. Bring your lunch to work instead of grabbing lunch with coworkers. Keep easy frozen meals on hand instead of getting take-out. Use meal prepping strategies to make cooking dinner easier. Then put the savings toward your goal.

5. 找一份副业. 如果你没有从你的日常工作中赚到足够的额外储蓄,那么是时候增加你的收入了. You can do this by starting a side hustle. Or, 如果你想要更多的结构, 你可以找个临时的, 兼职工作, such as seasonal work at a store during the holidays. Direct all the money you earn from this job toward your goal.

6. 出售的物品. 如果你和大多数人一样,你家里有很多不想要的东西,只是在积灰. Go through each room, top–to–bottom, and find what you don’t need. Then, determine the best way to sell those items. It may take a few weeks to sell everything, depending on whether you want money quickly or want to maximize your profits.

7. 设置自动传输. 设置从支票账户到储蓄账户的自动转账功能可以帮助你节省开支,而不必每个月都手动转账. Patelco Online™ makes this easy. 只是 登录 然后选择Transfer & 付款,然后转账或付款. Set up a transfer to happen every week or every month. 如果你依靠自己手动操作,你可能会跳过转账,这样你就可以花这笔钱了.

8. 所有ocate windfalls toward your goal. 如果你和大多数人一样, 每隔一段时间, you get a windfall – a pile of money you weren’t expecting. It might be a birthday check from Nana, a tax refund or a work bonus. 从你的意外之财中拿出一部分——你能承受多少就拿多少——用于实现你的目标. 你仍然可以用这笔意外之财的一部分来犒赏自己,但要确保这只是一小部分.

9. 放弃一项“额外”开支. Most of us pay for things we don’t really need. 如果你最近没有回顾你的消费习惯,你可能会对你的发现感到惊讶. 浏览一下你最近的银行和信用卡账单,选择一项你愿意放弃的东西,直到你达到目标. 也许是你每天的拿铁,你的流媒体视频订阅,或者你的季度美容盒. 把你通常会花在这些东西上的钱存到你的储蓄账户里. 你不必永远放弃它——只要你达到了你的储蓄目标. 也许你会意识到你宁愿永远拥有那笔钱.

10. 开一个储蓄帐户. 如果可能的话,开一个新的储蓄账户,不要附带借记卡. Then, have a set amount deposited each month from your paycheck. Almost every company allows direct deposits to be split, 这样你就可以把日常开支的钱存到支票账户里,剩下的钱存到应急基金里.

这听起来似乎很明显,但把钱存在储蓄账户而不是支票账户中可以帮助你更快地实现目标. 储蓄 accounts also pay interest, 所以你会比把钱存在支票账户里更快地实现你的目标.

有些人甚至发现把目标金额存在自己的储蓄账户里很有帮助. 这可以帮助你避免不小心花了这笔钱,因为你忘记了它不仅仅是你应急基金的一部分.

11. 使用30天规则. If you tend to get the shopping bug, institute a 30-day rule. 当你看到你想买的非必需品时,让自己等30天再买. 这样做可以帮助你决定你是否真的想要这件东西,或者没有它也可以生活. If you forget about it before the 30 days are up, 然后你就知道这是冲动购买,而不是你真正想要的东西.

12. Get an accountability partner. 当你想存钱买一些特别的东西时,削减开支会让你感到孤立. That’s why it helps to have an accountability partner with a similar goal. You can check in regularly and keep each other on track. You can text your accountability buddy, 例如, when you’re feeling the urge to break your budget.

13. 设定小目标. If your goal will take a long time to reach, consider setting mini goals along the way with small rewards. 例如, if you’re saving for a home down payment, you could give yourself a small treat every time you save $5,000. Doing this will keep you more motivated to stay the course, even when it feels like it’s taking forever.

14. Buy used items instead of new. 下次你想买东西的时候——无论是客厅的新电视还是工作的新夹克——找一个二手的东西,而不是买新的. 买二手货可以省钱,甚至可以买到质量更好、使用寿命更长的东西. 有时你甚至可以通过免费回收或不买东西项目等网站找到免费的物品. Buying used will help you funnel more money toward your goal.

15. 寻找漏洞. 另一种省钱的简单方法是回顾你的经常性支出,削减那些不能提供足够价值的支出. 例如,你是否从订阅的所有流媒体频道中获得了足够的价值? Perhaps unsubscribe from those that you don’t watch every week. 相反,当你准备好狂看你喜欢的剧集时,就订阅吧. 也 look at any subscriptions that renew on an annual basis. Quite often, those will renew at a higher monthly rate.

实现 多种策略

The best way to reach a savings goal? Use two or more of the strategies listed above. 如果你能一次结合几个不同的想法,你就能更快地实现你的目标.

此外,不要害怕重复上面列出的一些想法,这样你就不会感到精疲力竭. Learning how to 省钱 is a lifelong process. Think of it as a marathon, not a sprint. 谁知道呢? 也许你作为临时措施实施的一些事情将成为永久的改变.

